Ajax Search for WooCommerce

WooLentor’s Ajax search for WooCommerce module will help your customers to find anything they need in seconds, without having to go through any other pages and without limiting waiting times. This module helps your customers to find products quickly with lightning speed! With this widget, you’ll be able to increase customer satisfaction and sales.

Explore some advantages of the Ajax Search for WooCommerce

Check a few advantages of using Ajax Search for WooCommerce modules by helping your customers to search through millions of products in an instant, with WooLentor!

Boosts your site’s search

WooLentor’s Ajax search for Woocommerce is lightning fast as it generates on-the-fly search results for your customers. No more waiting!

Improved user experience

Allow your customers to search and obtain results in real-time without having to load additional pages. Get lightning-quick results without having to wait for pages to load. No more scrolling!

Reduce the conversion delay

Help your customers to find what they’re looking for more quickly, allowing them to go through the conversion process faster and more smoothly.

Are you experiencing trouble making sales and searching for a way to get rid of this?

WooLentor’s blazing fast Ajax search for WooCommerce widget is perfect for any site with large catalogs, categories, or multiple taxonomies. Improved user experience, simple integration, and your customers can find products quickly.

Ajax Product Search for WooCommerce
Widget Screenshots

Creating an Ajax product search on a WooCommerce website has never been easier. Let’s take a look at some screenshots
of how an Ajax search for WooCommerce may appear on your online store.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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