Refund Policy

You’ll get a refund, if
1. Item is not as described.
2. Item has a security issue.
3. Item support is not as promised.

You’ll not get a refund, if
1. You bought an item by mistake.
2. You change your mind.
3. You don’t have enough skills to use the item.
4. If there is an issue with 3rd party plugins/scripts.
5. Conflicting with 3rd party addon or not working with a 3rd party addon/plugins/script.
6. Your server has a limitation to use our item.
7. The issue you mentioned is not correct.
8. Refunds do not apply to upgrades or renewals.
9. Refunds are not applicable for auto-renewals.

Important Note for Auto Renew:
The refunds do not apply on renewal payments. We will send a renewal notification email 2 weeks prior to your renewal date, so you can use this opportunity to cancel your subscription before the renewal payment is automatically processed if you plan to use our services only once.

WooLentor Agency License Includes only the plugins mentioned on the pricing page.

Before submitting a refund request, you must contact us about the plugin’s problems. You will receive a refund if we cannot address the problem in 72 hours. We can’t give you a refund unless you tell us about your problem and explain it to us in detail.

Usually, it takes around 3-5 working/business days to process the refund by our billing team, but it can take 7-15 days for your bank to transfer the money to our account. If it takes longer than this, please get in touch with us via our website / submit a ticket.

Live chat is a presale question only, to get support please create a ticket or contact us via our contact page.

Acceptance of this Policy

Submitting your order with us confirms that you have read and fully agree to our refund policy’s terms. If this is not the case, kindly decline to place an order.

Effective date: 22 Dec 2022

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